
职 称:






● 金属材料的结构与功能化

●  金属材料的跨尺度计算

●  人工智能辅助材料设计


● 2022年——至今 Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版 教授

● 2019年——2021年 Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版 副教授

● 2016年——2018年 爱丁堡大学 博士后



长期致力于金属材料的相变与形变行为研究。迄今已发表30余篇SCI论文,其中以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表20余篇论文,包括Nature、Nature Phys、Nuture Commun、PNAS、Phys Rev Lett、Adv Mater、Acta Mater等国际高水平学术期刊上,并有多项成果被科学网、Phys.org、National Geographic、Scientific American、Chemical Word、CNN 等国内外媒体报道。


(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,51931004,面向宽温域、高能量吸收、大回复应变合金的耦合畴结构设计与性能优化, 2020-01至2024-12,320万元,在研,参与

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,52171011,时效对亚稳态β-ZrNb合金冲击相变行为影响的原子模拟研究,2022-01至2025-12,58万元,在研,主持




(6)国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,51320105014,基于应变工程的马氏体合金新型结构与功能特性, 2014-01至2018-12,270万元,已结题,参加


(1) Hongxiang Zong; Victor Naden Robinson; Andreas Hermann; Long Zhao*; Sandro Scandolo; Xiangdong Ding; Graeme J.Ackland*; Free electron to electride transition in dense liquid potassium, Nature Physics, 2021. 17:955.

(2) Hongxiang Zong*; Heather Wiebe; Graeme J. Ackland*; Understanding highpressure molecular hydrogen with a hierarchical machine-learned potential, Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 5014.

(3) Victor Naden Robinson#; Hongxiang Zong#*; Graeme J.Ackland; Gavin  Woolman; Andreas Hermann*; On the chain-melted phase of matter, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019, 116(12): 10297-10302.

(4) Hongxiang Zong; Haijun Wu; Xuefei Tao; Deqing Xue; Jun Sun; Stephen J.Pennycook; Tai Min; Zhenyu Zhang*; Xiangdong Ding*; Percolated Strain Networks and Universal Scaling Properties of Strain Glasses , Physical Review Letters,2019, 123: 015701.

(5) Shuai Ren#, Hong-Xiang Zong#, Xue-Fei Tao, Yong-Hao Sun, Bao-An Sun, De-Zhen Xue, Xiang-Dong Ding & Wei-Hua Wang, Boson-peak-like anomaly caused by transverse phonon softening in strain glass, Nature Communications. 12, 5755(2021).

(6) Yang Yang, Hongxiang Zong*, Jun Sun,Xiangdong Ding*, Rippling Ferroic Phase Transition and Domain Switching In 2D Materials, Advanced Materials, 2021,49: 2103469.

(7) Jie Yin#, Hongxiang Zong#; Hong Tao; Xuefei Tao; Haijun Wu*; Yang Zhang; LiDong Zhao; Xiangdong Ding; Jun Sun; Jianguo Zhu; Jiagang Wu*; Stephen J. Pennycook*; Nanoscale bubble domains with polar topologies in bulk ferroelectrics, Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 3632.

(8) Hongxiang Zong*; Ghanshyam Pilania; Xiangdong Ding; Graeme J. Ackland; Turab Lookman*; Developing an interatomic potential for martensitic phase transformations in zirconium by machine learning, npj Computational Materials,2018, 4:48.