徐 彤

职 称:





1985.09_1989.07  Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版 Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版  工学学士学位

  1989.09_1992.07  Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版 材料科学  工学硕士士学位
  2000.10_2004.04  日本奈良女子大学  理学博士
  1992.07至今  在Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版 Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版任教

   材料科学基础,工程材料基础,金属材料及热处理,科技英语,复合材料, 先进复合材料
   承担科研项目:管线钢高周疲劳性能的研究, 合同项目, 2009.11-2010.3, 主持人
 1. Structural Alteration Analysis of α Brass during Constant Strain Fatigue, Tong Xu, Journal of  Xi’an Institute of Metallurgy Construction Engineering, 1992
   2. Structure Analysis of TA2 Alloy under Surface Strengthening Condition, Yuxu Tan, Wei Gao and Tong Xu, Journal of Northwest University, 1997
   3. Morphological change and crystallization of polyethylene terephthalate film drawn in water bath. Tong Xu, Yuezhen Bin, Hiromichi Kurosu and Masaru Matsuo. The Society of Polymer Science, Osaka, Japan, 2001.
   4. Oriented and Thermal Crystallization of Polyethylene terephthalate, Tong Xu, Yuezhen Bin, Hiromichi Kurosu and Masaru Matsuo, Colloid Polym Sci, 281 (2003) 624
   5. Small angle Hv light scattering from deformed spherulites with orientational fluctuation of optical axes, Yuezhen Bin, Reiko Adachi, Tong Xu and Masaru Matsuo. Colloid Polym Sci., 282 (2004) 544.
   6. Density fluctuation of amorphous region of polyethylene terephthalate films by quasi-spinodal decomposition, Tong Xu, Yuezhen Bin, Yuko Nakagaki and Masaru Matsuo. Macromolecules, 37 (2004) 6985.
   7. Positron annihilation study of density fluctuation of amorphous PET films in terms of the quasi-spinodal decomposition. Tong Xu, Nikolay Djourelov, Takenori Suzuki, yuezhen Bin, Masaru Matsuo. Physical Review B , 71 (2005) 1.